Saturday, November 17, 2007

Online Forums

Two years ago I had only registered myself in one online forum. After a whole lot of them in which I wasn't really relevant and one in which I was a moderator, I have learned a lot more than if I was just fiddling with the programs I was trying to use.

Online forums are a great way to show what you are doing in order to get good feedback. You just have to choose them well. Lurk around them, read the new and old posts for a few days and if you think it's worth it, dive in.

You'll probably feel more confident about yourself if you get a few compliments, but you also need to know how to introduce yourself or else you may sink. You have to be humble and open to criticism. You can't go in and write your posts like you're trying to teach them, otherwise they'll refuse to read what you have to say.

Don't be overjoyed by everything you read there. Really. Somethings are worth it but other times if you don't say something constructive about it it will be like spam. I have read a lot of "ZOMG THAST AWSUM HOW DIDYA DOIT??!!?!?!??!" posts and I hate it. Even the person who posted the thing you adore so much will most likely be scared and confused by comments like that.

Show your work. If you're in an artist's forum, you won't be taken seriously unless you prove you're worth it. A fancy diploma doesn't help you here. Either you give constructive feedback or you show some good work. Sounds easy, right?

The last thing I have to say is: Please write properly in online forums. If I have to translate 13375p34k or street talk it is most likely not worth my time. Mine or anyone else's, so it's spam again.

Worldwide forums for artists:

I am portuguese, so here are a few more links for the Luso ones:

If I forgot something don't be shy to comment!

1 comment:

Luís said...

And don't forget, stick to thread topic, some people love to start talking about irrelevant stuff