Friday, May 16, 2008

Maya, Photoshop, Gamebryo

It's hard to describe what I'm feeling today. This day is being a great one so far, and one I'll not soon forget. Today I created textures, speculars, alpha and normal maps really quickly and in the end exported the models into Gamebryo and walked around in it as if it was a videogame for the first time. If you don't know much about cg graphics or game engines this might not sound impressive but it was an important moment for me. It's the end of the first week and I feel like I've learned so much it's "Unreal". Sorry for the really bad pun, I just had to do it.

The image above is a simple screencap from Maya without depth map shadows and the set was made with these pieces.


"C.G." said...

One step at a time :) keep it up!

Vincent Scheib said...

Getting things up on screen is always great. ;) nice pun.

Raistlin said...

Thanks man, I like how easy it was to export models into Gamebryo.