Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Nintendo 64 kid

There is a slight chance you guys haven't seen this video so I'll give you the link here.

It's basically a kid who gets a N64 for Christmas and then starts going wild about it. Saying it is the best gift ever for him isn't enough for him. He has to shout, shake his fist to the heavens and even start a drum solo on the box.

I never had one.

This New Year's Eve I was with a bunch of guys who used to play it back then and they played Mario Kart and Goldeneye. I felt like a kid again watching them play, but the way their eyes shone as one of them found the cartridge of Goldeneye and showed it to them without a word made me absolutely sure this is the path I want to take.

Man, this video is just awesome.

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