Thursday, January 10, 2008

A series of tubes

The speed they teach at Escape (and I really mean teach, not just casually mention things) is nothing short of amazing. To have an idea of that speed check out this. It's the best way I can show you.

Internet in my room suddenly made me feel at home. I could contact with everyone without going to a payphone or using up my 20 minute breaks to check Gmail. Now you'll probably get more pictures if I find them interesting. I don't mean to turn this into a diary, though. I will still write some stories I think will be fun to read but I don't want to make this feel like a chore.

Ok, so fun things! I found out the teacher of the Games part of the course will be a guy who worked on Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (which has a studio in London by the way) and was involved in games like "The Getaway: Black Monday", "This is Football" and"EyeToy Kinetic". This is really exciting for anyone who likes videogames. I'm looking forward to it.

And thanks PRE for mentioning me in his blog (and consequently! You-ve tripled the views this blog has per day for a day, let's see how it goes from here. Thank you too, Google Analytics.

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