Tuesday, February 19, 2008


VFX course started yesterday and the teacher is a really amazing guy. I have had an interest in Visual Effects for a while, have watched lots of extras in DVDs and done a few tutorials to try to understand how they really do the awesome looking imagery but nothing prepared me for the sheer amount of information I got yesterday. I feel like I don't know a thing about this.

Everything is even more complex than I thought. I heard names of programs I never knew existed. I heard of techniques that are the basic element of VFX and I didn't know that they were even necessary. I am out of my element but I believe if I keep paying atention and taking notes I'll eventually get into it. Today was way more comfortable.

Now the hard part about all this is making my mind up about my current situation. I came here with the main purpose of learning how to make good 3D models for videogames but now I had the chance of being in this course I have to start investing in both areas in terms of time, attention and work. I have do develop impressive material for both areas, two showreels. Two careers until I get a job. This is tough for a perfeccionist. Time does not stretch.

This blog's subtitle may end up being wrong. I warned you.


Vlad said...

I'm more of a multitask kind of guy, but I don't see any problem with having two purposes, two routes, one goal.

This is something you should really think about, but on a more non-perfeccionist carrer focused way.

VFX is quite cool I think, and I don't see why it shouldn't be used in your own benifit.

Two routes, one goal, just keep focused and clear minded and you'll be there in no time.

Tadeu_o_fartador said...

learn what you can and apply it to videogames, theres alot of stuff that is usefull for games, except nurbs of course. This way you can create a workflow that will addapt to games AND films. Good luck , altho i kinda think they ripped you off , but meh schools are like that ;)

Raistlin said...

It's all in the way you see it, really. I thought a lot about this before talking to my parents about it and in the end I believe we both got out benefits from this and mine were bigger.
It's a chance I wouldn't have at any other time. I am trying to mix both areas in a way I can develop work for both and I think I have created an interesting way to do it. In a few months I can show it.

We can chose and I haven't touched NURBS for about three weeks.